FOAMcast - An Emergency Medicine Podcast (medicine, psychiatry, ICP, emergency medicine)

We review the FOAM (Free Open Access Medical education) from Academic Life in Emergency Medicine, "Atypical Antispychotic Medication Re-initiation in the Emergency Department" and Dr. Casey Parker's Broome Docs Podcast "Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter."  Then, we discuss core content emergencies including a review of select psychiatric disorders and management of increased ICP.

As always, visit  for show notes and the generously donated Rosh Review questions.

Key Texts:

  • Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Board Review(7e) Chapters 284, 254
  • Rosen’s Emergency Medicine (8e) Chapters 110, 29 

Thanks for listening!


-Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer