Mon, 1 June 2020
We interrupt our normal FOAMcast episodes to bring you updates from COVID-19. *Our understanding of COVID-19 is rapidly developing and this may be out of date in days/weeks. So, check back for updates/fact check what you hear* This episode reviews a study published by Mehra et al in the Lancet with concerning methods and data anomalies, leading to the possibility and likelihood of falsified data. This came to light after an open letter by Watson et al detailing major issues. The Lancet issued a correction, which did not address many of the major issues and resulted in significant changes to Table S3 in the supplement. Concerningly, this group also authored the NEJM study on ACE-I/ARBs in COVID-19. Note: This is an evolving story Show notes: Thanks for listening, *Recorded June 1, 2020 |