Mon, 20 November 2017
We cover Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) on mass casualty incidents, an unfortunate reality in the current United States climate (and elsewhere). There is a must read (truly, emergency providers really should read this) in EP Monthly by Dr.Kevin Menes, “How One Las Vegas ED Saved Hundreds of Lives After the Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History”. He details his process in running the Emergency Department that evening. We cover pearls from other great resources include a post on the St. Emlyn's blog, "Mass Casualty Incidents: Lessons from the AAST" and a free EBMedicine article on ballistic injuries Core Content: Chapter 192 Rosen's, Chapter 5 Tintinalli - Mass Casualty Incident Triage Thanks for listening! |
Sat, 4 November 2017
We bring you pearls from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2017 Scientific Assembly. We cover in-flight emergencies, need for contrast enhanced CT scans, bronchiolitis and sucrose for infants Thanks for listening! |