FOAMcast - An Emergency Medicine Podcast

We discuss ultrasound diagnosis of pneumoperitoneum using a podcast from 5MinSono.

Then we delve into core content on gastritis, PUD, and helicobacter pylori using Rosen's Ch 78 and Tintinalli's Ch 79 as guides.

Thank for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_pneumoperitoneum_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:21am EDT

We cover Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) on mass casualty incidents, an unfortunate reality in the current United States climate (and elsewhere).  There is a must read (truly, emergency providers really should read this) in EP Monthly by Dr.Kevin Menes, “How One Las Vegas ED Saved Hundreds of Lives After the Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History”. He details his process in running the Emergency Department that evening.

We cover pearls from other great resources include a post on the St. Emlyn's blog, "Mass Casualty Incidents: Lessons from the AAST" and a free EBMedicine article on ballistic injuries

Core Content: Chapter 192 Rosen's, Chapter 5 Tintinalli - Mass Casualty Incident Triage

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_MCIs_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56am EDT

We bring you pearls from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2017 Scientific Assembly.

We cover in-flight emergencies, need for contrast enhanced CT scans, bronchiolitis and sucrose for infants

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_ACEP_17_day_3_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm EDT

We bring you pearls from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2017 Scientific Assembly.

Pearls on H. Pylori from: It's Alimentary - Poo-Pourri of Conditions From the Mouth to Rectum - Dr. Adebayo, Dr. Batra, Dr. Bavokek

Emerging Infections: Zika and Its Friends - Dr. Joan Noelker

High Yield Toxicology - Dr Erickson, Dr Traub, Dr. Perrone


Direct download: FOAMcast_ACEP_17_day_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:02pm EDT

We cover top pearl from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Scientific Assembly 2017.

Dr. Michael Winters - Critical Care Updates

Dr. Tim Horeczko - Pediatric Pitfalls

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_ACEP_17_day_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37pm EDT

We cover some high yield, important, or frequently discussed recent articles.

Antibiotics and abscesses - Daum et al

FAST in hemodynamically stable patients -  Holmes et al

Haloperidol in gastroparesis - Roldan et al and Ramirez et al

Ignoring PERC - Buchanan et al

Steroids in non-asthma/COPD lower respiratory tract infections - Hay et al

Gender pay gap persists in academic EM (and it's not due to hours, rank, or roles) - Madsen et al

Direct download: FOAMcast_Lit_review_fall_2017_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45pm EDT

We review this blog post by Bryan Hayes, an ED pharmacist (@PharmERToxGuy), on the use of physostigmine in anticholinergic toxicity.

We then review anticholinergic toxidrome using Rosen's, Tintinalli's, and Goldfrank's as a guide.

Thanks for listening!

Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust

Direct download: FOAMcast_anticholinergics_and_physostigmine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EDT

We review gastroparesis treatment with haloperidol including a recent study by Ramirez and colleagues. This study had significant methodologic limitations but provides some interesting insight into a practice that many providers have adopted - using haloperidol for gastroparesis. A tiny RCT by Roldan and colleagues also looked at this practice and found promising results, although the study was very small.  Haloperidol has also been used in cannabinoid hyperemesis but literature on this is limited to case reports/series.

We also cover core content on biliary pathology using Tintinalli and Rosen's as guides.

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_gastroparesis_and_cholecystitis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:52pm EDT

We review recent discussions on the accuracy of cuff blood pressures including a meta-analysis Picone et al published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology discussing the accuracy of cuff blood pressures.

We cover core content on hypertensive emergencies and asymptomatic markedly elevated blood pressure using the ACEP clinical policy on hypertension, Rosen's (9th ed) Chapter 74 "Hypertension," and Tintinalli (8th ed),  Chapter  57 “Systemic Hypertension” Chapter 59 “Aortic Dissection and Related Aortic Syndromes” as guides

Show notes on

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren WEstafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_Hypertension.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57am EDT

We cover Free Open Access Medical Education on opioids.

  • The Poison Review podcast reviews papers on the opioid epidemic, including a paper by Rudd et al demonstrating an increase in opioid-related deaths over the past five years as well as the following paper by Shah and colleagues.
  • The Dantastic Mr. Tox and Howard, a new podcast on the scene, also covers multiple topics on opioids, including common misconceptions of tramadol.

Then we cover core content on opioid overdose and withdrawal using Rosen's Emergency Medicine (9th ed) Chapter 156 and Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine (8th ed), Chapter 186 as a guide.


Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: foamcast_opioids__.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EDT

We are in Berlin for #dasSMACC and have lots of pearls to share from the speakers at this amazing conference.  Talks will be released for free on the SMACC podcast over the next year, but this podcast holds some pearls that we thought couldn't wait.

We cover...

One of the major themes of #dasSMACC has been - we are more overconfident in our knowledge, skills, ability, and good behavior than we actually demonstrate. We cover the Dunning-Kruger effect and how to help combat the notion that "this happens to other people, not me." 

Drs. Jacob Avila and Ben Smith on Airway Ultrasound

Dr. James Rippey on Point of Care Ultrasound Incidental Findings

Dr. Jack Iwashyna on Critical Care Prognosis

Thanks for listening!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_DasSMACC_Day_3._Ultrasound_incidentalomas_ICU_prognostics_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:42pm EDT

We are in Berlin for #dasSMACC and have lots of pearls to share from the speakers at this amazing conference.  Talks will be released for free on the SMACC podcast over the next year, but this podcast holds some pearls that we thought couldn't wait.

We cover...

Dr. Leanne Harnett on Pulmonary Embolism with Right Heart Thrombus (PE with RHT)

Dr. Michele Domico on Pediatric Cardiology Emergencies

Dr. Haney Mallemat (@CriticalCareNow) on Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) during Cardiac Arrest


Thanks for listening!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_DasSMACC_Day_2._TEE_in_codes_PE_with_RH_thrombus_SCAPE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11pm EDT

We deliver pearls from the first day of #dasSMACC in Berlin.

We cover talks by Dr. Brian Burns on trauma, Dr. David Carr on endocarditis, Dr. Paul Young on statistics, and Dr. Jess Mason on sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis.

Check out for show notes and pictographic summaries.

Thanks for listening and for the Rosh Review for sending us!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_DasSMACC_Day_1._Endocarditis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm EDT

We interrupt our normal core content for this update:

Texting amongst medical professionals is ubiquitous; however, given patient privacy laws, many wonder, what is permissible?

We discuss a recent article in JAMA by Brian Drolet on this very topic as well as some basic professionalism pearls.

Show notes at

Thanks for listening,

Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust

Direct download: FOAMcast_texting_and_patient_privacy_VERSION_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:56am EDT

We cover FOAM on the WOMAN trial of tranexamic acid (TXA) in post-partum hemorrhage including BroomeDocsEMlitofnote, and The Bottom Line

Then we delve into core content on non-pregnant vaginal bleeding using Rosen's and Tintinalli's as a guide.

Show notes are available at

Thanks for listening!
Lauren Westafer & Jeremy Faust

Direct download: Foamcast_WOMAN_and_dysfunctinoal_uterine_bleeding.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:24pm EDT

We cover Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) from a recent Emergency Medicine Cases podcast and First10inEM blog post by Dr. Justin Morganstern regarding urinary tract infections (UTIs).   This podcast and blog tackle common issues in UTI diagnosis and treatment, including the following points:

  • UTI is a clinical diagnosis, a dirty urine does not mean the patient has a UTI
  • Urinalyses are more complicated to interpret than we probably understand

Then we cover core content from Rosen’s Emergency Medicine (8th ed), Chapter 99; Tintialli's Emergency Medicine (8th ed), Chapter 91; IDSA Guidelines for Treatment and Asymptomatic Bacteriuria

Thanks for listening!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: Foamcast_episode_68_UTI_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42am EDT

 A recent study in Academic Emergency Medicine by Hughes and colleagues, looks at the potential clinical relevance of having emergency physicians sign ECGs read "normal" by the computer software.  FOAM reviews of this article can be found here:

Then we review ischemia on ECGs, including STEMIs as well as a dive into ischemic T waves

Check out for more show notes and images.

Thanks for listening!

Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust

Direct download: FOAMcast_STEMI_and_its_mimics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:08am EDT

We cover an episode of The Skeptic's Guide to Emergency Medicine that covers a validation study of the Step by Step approach to pediatric fever.  This approach to infants with a fever <3 months old is alluring as it does not necessitate a lumbar puncture.  This algorithm had a better sensitivity and negative predictive value than the Rochester criteria.   The approach did miss some infants with a serious bacterial infection and these tended to be those between 21 and 28 days old and those with fever onset <2 hours prior to arrival. 

We cover Chapter 116 in Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine (8th ed) and Rosen's on pediatric fever.

Visit for more information and thanks for listening!

-Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_Step_by_Step_and_pediatric_fevers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40am EDT

We cover a post from the fantastic St. Emlyn's team which breaks down a recently published article in Annals of Emergency Medicine comparing diazepam with placebo in patients with acute low back pain.  We recommend you read the full text of the article by Friedman et al.

We delve into core content on red flags in back pain and spinal epidural abscess using Rosen's Emergency Medicine and Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Chapter 279 as a guide.

visit for show notes and more information.

Thanks for listening!
Lauren Westafer and Jeremy Faust

Direct download: FOAMcast_benzos_for_back_pain_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EDT


We cover Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) on Contrast-Induced Nephropathy (CIN).  Recent interes

The American College of Radiology (ACR) Manual on Contrast Induced Nephropathy

This Emergency Medicine Literature of Note post covers the AMACING  trial, which looks at intravenous fluid administration (0.9% NaCl) versus usual care in patients "at risk" for CIN undergoing contrast-enhanced CT scan.   The study found a difference of -0.1% (95% CI -2.25 to 2.06), which was below the non-inferiority margin. Prior literature shows similar results, with no clear-cut efficacy from prevention strategies for CIN.

This post by Dr. Joel Topf (nephrologist @kidneyboy) on the Precious Bodily Fluids blog discusses a nephrologist's take on CIN.

EM topics post on fluids in CIN.

Core Content

We then delve into core content on genitourinary trauma using Rosen’s Chapter 47 and Tintinalli’s Chapter265 as a guide.

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: Episode_65.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19pm EDT

Ultrasound is gaining popularity in assisting lumbar punctures (LPs). We review this technique as well as Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) from the following sites:  5 Min SonoSinai EM, and PEM pearls from ALiEM.

We then delve into core content on meningitis, encephalitis, and antiNMDA receptor encephalitis using Rosen's Chapter 109 and Tintinalli's Chapters 117 and 174 as a guide.

Thanks for listening!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer


Direct download: FOAMcast_lumbar_punctures_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14pm EDT

We cover FOAM on transvenous pacing from Ultrasound Podcast, Dr. Jason Nomura, and Dr. Al Sachetti



Then, we delve into basics on bradycardias using Rosen's Emergency Medicine and Tintinalli's as a guide.

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: Foamcast_transvenous_pacers_and_bradycardia.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02pm EDT

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines were updated, reflecting some changes carried forward from Sepsis 3.0 that was released in 2016.

In this podcast we go over some of the updates, many of the recommendations that stayed the same.

As a bonus we cover a new study on validation of qSOFA.

Show notes at

Thanks for listening!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: Foamcast_2017_sepsis_update.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EDT

A lot of good literature came out in 2016 so we wanted to mention a couple of our favorite articles of the year.

Sepsis 3.0

Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW, et al: The Sepsis Definitions Task Force The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3).

The quick SOFA score (qSOFA) also came out in hopes it "provides simple bedside criteria to identify adult patients with suspected infection who are likely to have poor outcomes."  It is not part of the sepsis definition 

Back Up Head Elevated Intubation

Khandelwal et al. Head-elevated Patient Positioning Decreases Complications of Emergent Tracheal Intubation in the Ward and Intensive Care Unit. Anesthesia and Analgesia. Apr 2016.

Ketorolac Dose

Motov, S, Yasavolian, M, Likourezos, A, et al. Comparison of Intravenous Ketorolac at Three Single-Dose Regimens for Treating Acute Pain in the Emergency Department. .Ann Emerg Med. 2016 Dec 16.

Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Prognostication

Jabre et al. Early Identification of Patients With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest With No Chance of Survival and Consideration for Organ Donation.   Intern Med. 2016 Dec 6;165(11):770-778


Thanks for listening!

Jeremy Faust and Lauren Westafer

Direct download: FOAMcast_2016_roundup.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:35pm EDT